Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nintendogs Causes Dog Attack?

Last week a child was attacked, while playing Nintendogs, by a friend's dog.  Hearing the barking of the virtual pet seems to have caused the dog to go berserk, pulling the child off her sofa, and then biting her lip off.  Luckily, the child has been able to have her lip reattached, and the dog has been put down.  You can read the full story here.

It's somewhat shocking that a game, such as Nintendogs, cause cause such a violent outburst.  Is the fault really with the game, or could the attack just of been due to the poor judgment of leaving a child alone with a potentially dangerous animal?


tSwizzle said...

Nintendo, using actual barking dogs for barking dog sounds. What were they thinking!?

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Frank said...

Well, depends on the size of the dog if you ask me considering you called it a dangerous animal... A small dog is hardly a dangerous animal, don't you think ??

Anonymous said...

omg. woundering what those dog sounds triggr to other dogs. they should have tested this thing

El Furo said...

Ha I agree with tSwizzle, it is a bit crazy though

Sykefu said...

i don't know, never seen a dog go berserk or even mad because someone playing nintendogs, imo it was a dangerous dog

kmartsmartsuperstar said...

Nintendo. They have had animal subliminal message testing facilities for years. The girl mustve been playing on a dsi instead of the newer dsi xl. Clever Nintendo.

The Messy Apron said...

WOW thats sad

Dan said...

probably more poor judgement of leaving a child with a big dog like that

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