Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I hate facebook games -.-

Recently I've been playing Island Paradise; got a friend whose got me into it, and now I'm somewhat addicted to it.  I hate these kinds of games so much, always have the need to min/max in whatever game I'm playing, and with games like these there's always more I can be doing.  Always more fish to be catching, always more food to be cooking, always more crops I can be gathering.

These games are just a nightmare to someone with an addictive personality and a need to improve.  It makes me rage just thinking about how much time I've spent in it so far.

anyways, what's your guy's take on Facebook games?  Love 'em or loathe 'em?


BlogWizard said...

Hate em' man

Frank said...

Totally agree, hell, I don't even have Facebook... Did you read about the guy taking somebody to court for hacking his Facebook account and, as he said, fucking up his Farmvilla account by ruining a full year of work and his entire harvest of crops... Like, really ?!

Dyaitsidyam∂ said...

Like crack! Had to give them up. Killed productivity

Hotsaucer said...

You could always just play something else to take your mind off of them. Try a real game like starcraft 2 or WoW or Fallout or something.

Snowblind3 said...

God, I DO TOO. Why do people get so addicted to these stupid games..

Krow said...

I hate them too but I'm a victim of addiction as well >_>
nuff said

Bicycle said...

it's a vicious circle man :<

EdwardPrinceofWales said...

not really into those

Slumph said...

nobody loves them =D

Brandon Tompkins said...

I was into those things for a while... until my school grades suffered from it. I have banned myself from playing those games so i can get shit done! XD

My internet explortion said...

I got addicted to some snake clone on fb once but that's luckly about it

Uncle said...

Their really pointless to me, I use to get into them but I really don't play any games anymore.

Andromeda said...

I know! My god I had to quit them because I have an addictive personality as well. They are so stupid as well. But I agree

Oran said...

Haha, makes me glad I don't facebook!

That's hip said...

Farmville. I quit cause the gas costed real life money

Eamon said...

lol i've played one fb game (that i forget the name of) and i vowed to never again!

DailyDose said...

They're all spam to me.

Koniworld said...

ahg.. they are very boring.. and get spam every time from others =x

kmartsmartsuperstar said...

I think they can be fun, I do hate that facebook by default posts every single thing that happens on your wall. My news feed gets spammed with accomplishments all the time. And by the time I get around to pulling up the site on my pc instead of my phone to block these posts there's another game my friends play. And I'm just like, great.

Data Fox said...

Zynga says to hell with innovation

Positive Tension said...

Personally, I love mousehunt. very addictive even though all you have to do is sound an alarm -.-

Anonymous said...

I got so tired of invites I eventually blocked all the games people would send to me.

CS said...

I must admit, I've never really been a fan of most Facebook games.

Then again, I've never really given them much of a chance.

Perhaps I shall.

comradejoker.blogspot.com/ said...

YES! I totally agree bro!! Facebook games are a huge pet peeve of mine...
supporting and following~

jester said...

I think I'd rather play a Nintendo Gameboy original than a facebook game. I'm not sure what the draw is.

Element said...

Totally addicted~

Much Poopies! said...

facefuck games. useful as a zyst on your cheeks.

The Reviever said...

I hate Facebook games because they are addicting.


And yeah, I'm getting spammed by X NEEDS YOUR HELP WITH Y IN FARMVILLE/ISLAND

Unknown said...

I even saw Adult Swim rage about Farmville one night, and how fucking ridiculous it is that they make the amount of money they do, for something so silly.

Vlad said...

I too hate em!

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